You might also hear about new renewable energy when talking about renewable energy. The Indonesian Government has developed new renewable energy and managed it in President Regulation Number 5 of 2006.
Then, what is new renewable energy? This article discusses new renewable energy, the examples, and the differences with renewable energy. Thus, read the explanation until the end!
New renewable energy is one of the sustainable nature management to be developed as alternative energy. In general, new renewable energy is a source of energy that can be utilized continuously and renewed naturally.
That’s why new renewable energy is considered environmentally friendly energy contributing to global warming reduction.
New renewable energy has been managed in several policies in Indonesia. The President Regulation Number 5 of 2006 declared that the national energy policy targets the use of new and other renewable energy, such as biomass, small-scale hydropower, solar power, nuclear power, and wind power of more than 5% by 2025.
The government also targets the use of biofuel of more than 5% and geothermal of more than 5% in 2025. Besides, Government Regulation Number 79 of 2014 declared that the government targets the use of new and renewable energy of at least 23% in 2025 and at least 31% in 2050 as long as the economic feasibility is met.
Otherwise, according to Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia's renewable energy mix in 2021–2022 is 12.16% in 2021 and 12.30% in 2022. Despite the increase, those data showed that the use of new renewable energy is lower than the final energy consumption in 2022, which was 6.914.802 terajoule.
Even though new renewable energy is one term, new energy and renewable energy have different definitions. The distinction is that new energy is derived from new technology, either processed from renewable or nonrenewable energy.
Examples of new energy from renewable energy are nuclear and hydrogen, while new energy from nonrenewable energy is liquefied coal and gasified coal.
On the other hand, renewable energy is the energy derived from nature that can be freely utilized. Examples are solar power, wind power, hydropower, and many more.
Despite having different definitions, the Indonesian government continues to promote new renewable energy as an alternative energy source to reduce the reliance on nonrenewable energy.
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Now, you already figured out the definition of new renewable energy and aspects regulated by the policies. Then, what are the characteristics of new renewable energy? Below are the properties:
The use of new renewable energy does not emit pollution or carbon emissions, making it more environmentally friendly. Moreover, it does not rely on other fossil and nonrenewable energy, such as crude oil and natural gas which are difficult to be renewed and produce emissions.
New renewable energy comes from natural and renewable sources, such as geothermal, water, wind, and the sun. Primarily, new renewable energy can be used without limits in the long term, for example, the sun continues to shine and the wind continues to blow.
New renewable energy typically has high-efficiency energy in producing heat and electricity. For example, solar panels can release electricity with increasing efficiency from the sun.
New renewable energy emits lower greenhouse gas emissions than nonrenewable ones, helping reduce climate change. Using this energy also lessens the reliance on fossil fuels that contribute to carbon emissions.
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There are several types of new renewable energy that can be utilized, such as:
Geothermal energy comes from within the earth. In Indonesia, geothermal power is regulated in Law Number 23 of 2003. Some types of geothermal power heat from hot water, rocks, water vapor, minerals, and other gases.
Solar power comes from the sun converted to electricity by solar panels. Solar power is often used for solar power plants. Solar power plants are already widely used in Indonesia.
One of the solar panel providers for solar power plants is Krakatau Chandra Energi, a subsidiary of Chandra Asri Group for energy supply. Krakatau Chandra Energi serves four types of installations: Solar Panel Off-Grid, Solar Panel On-Grid, Solar Panel On-Grid with Battery Back-Up System, and Solar Panel Hybrid.
Additionally, this company also provides solar floaters installed on water surfaces on pools or dams, making it area-saving.
Hydropower can be acquired from the sea, dam, or river. This energy has a big potential, especially because Indonesia has a lot of rivers, seas, and waterfalls. It can be leveraged as a hydropower plant that generates a turbine to produce electricity and a micro hydro power plant that utilizes river gradient and water discharge.
Wind power uses gusts of wind to move turbines and produce electricity. An example of this new renewable energy is the Wind Power Plant (PLT Bayu).
Biomass comes from organic stuff, such as waste of living creatures (human and animal), farm waste, organic waste, or wood. Biomass can be utilized as a biomass power plant.
Initially, organic materials are collected, crushed, composted, or ground to reduce the water content and make them transportable. Then, these materials can be processed in various ways, such as fermentation, pyrolysis, combustion, or gasification.
The Indonesian Government has regulated new renewable energy indicators, which are availability, accessibility, and affordability. Below is detailed information about the indicators:
Availability is an indicator that shows the opportunity for new renewable energy sources, either from imports or domestic natural resources. This indicator ensures that Indonesia has energy availability throughout the country.
Accessibility is the indicator showing people’s ability to access the energy infrastructure and new renewable energy sources. Indonesia has thousands of islands across the nation, making the government ensure that every person can access energy sources, especially electricity.
Affordability includes the costs that will be charged to consumers as well as the investment costs in the energy industry. This aims to determine energy rates that are affordable for all levels of society.
Those are the information about new renewable energy you can learn. The government is now increasing new renewable energy utilization to reduce the reliance on nonrenewable energy.
Chandra Asri Group also supports government efforts by providing a solar power plant through Krakatau Chandra Energy and reducing emissions from the operational process.
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