Humans need energy sources to do daily activities, such as working, cooking, and others. Yet, recently, the world still relies on nonrenewable energy, such as petroleum and natural gas.
Thus, it is time for humans to leverage sustainable renewable energy. This energy is also a clean energy source accessible to anyone. To find out more about renewable energy and its benefits for the environment and humans, read the explanation below!
Renewable energy is an energy source obtained from nature and can be leveraged continuously. This energy source can be created and gained freely and can be renewed without limits. In fact, with the advanced technology development, humans now can invent renewable energy and convert it into alternative energy.
Then, why must you care about renewable energy? The usage of nonrenewable energy sources, such as petroleum-based fossil fuels, has significantly increased air pollution and global warming.
Moreover, according to the data published in Our World in Data, 87% of greenhouse gas emissions are from energy production. That’s why renewable energy, such as solar, hydropower, and others, must be utilized to stop relying on nonrenewable energy.
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There are various types of renewable energy that you can utilize, especially to produce electricity. Below are some types of renewable energy:
Hydropower energy is a renewable energy obtained from water sources. If your residence is near a river, lake, or dam, this energy can be utilized to provide electricity.
The method is quite easy in which you can do it by installing a water wheel in an area with a strong water flow. That way, the water wheel will rotate and produce kinetic energy.
This energy can rotate the generator and produce electrical energy that can be distributed to several houses.
Solar energy is gained from the sun. Typically, humans use the energy by installing solar panels. This solar panel will absorb the sunlight and convert it into electricity. Then, the electricity will get into the inverter and be distributed to houses and companies.
Geothermal energy is obtained from within the earth, more precisely the earth's core which has a temperature of around 5,500 ℃. Geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity by drilling until reaching a hot spot.
Furthermore, the geothermal energy will be delivered to power the turbines installed on the earth’s surface. The turbines will move the generator and produce electricity.
Wind energy uses pressurized air that moves wind turbines. The turbines then move generators to produce electricity and later can be used by the surrounding community.
Biomass is a renewable source of energy from organisms, such as animal waste, household waste, wood, grass, and many more.
Some materials can be proceeded immediately, like wood, and some need to be proceeded more to be utilized, such as animal, farm, and household wastes. For example, you can process animal or farm waste to be biogas, biodiesel, bioethanol, and so on.
Renewable energy is a resource that can be utilized by anyone globally. Therefore, if it is well-managed, it will be a solution during the crisis. Moreover, renewable energy has several benefits as follows:
As previously mentioned, renewable energy is still accessible and has the potential to be fully utilized. There is no need to worry about running out of energy because renewable energy sources like wind and solar can generate power over an extended period.
Some nonrenewable energies, such as petroleum and coal, contribute to carbon emissions and increase global warming. With renewable energy, you can reduce emissions and global warming.
Utilizing renewable energy can save resources because its processing and operation do not require a lot of costs. With the right technology, this energy can be used in many countries.
Humans can become healthier by minimizing the use of petroleum and the pollution it produces. In addition, we can reduce water, land, and air pollution, making the environment greener and more habitable.
Renewable energy can increase economic growth because people have reached energy independence, making other sectors improve. Moreover, this energy development can open up employment opportunities in the installation, development, research, and maintenance of clean energy fields.
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In detail, there are various forms of renewable energy utilization for the community, including:
Solar panels are common types of renewable energy utilization. Many people and companies use solar panels to provide electricity. In fact, there are many types of solar panels, one of them is solar floater.
A solar floater is a solar panel installed on a water surface, such as a dam, lake, or pool. This solar panel can save more land and decrease water evaporation.
Regarding solar panels, the Chandra Asri Group’s subsidiary, Krakatau Chandra Energi, provides solar panel installation to support the use of renewable energy in four methods: Solar Panel On-Grid, Solar Panel Off-Grid, Solar Panel On Grid with Battery Back-Up System, and Solar Panel Hybrid.
Hydroelectricity is an example of utilizing water energy by installing turbines in dams. The turbines will drive dynamos which then produce electrical energy.
Aside from the dam and river, you can utilize tides and ocean waves to power turbines. Similar to hydroelectricity in the dam, turbines move generators that produce electricity.
The last example is biogas proceeding from the waste of living things (humans or animals). The waste produces methane gas which later is used as the source of energy.
Those are information about renewable energy you should know. Overall, it may be concluded that renewable energy can be a source of clean energy contributing to reducing carbon emissions.
In this regard, Chandra Asri Group also supports renewable energy through solar panel installation by Krakatau Chandra Energi as well as the efforts to reduce carbon emissions during the operational process.
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