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function of caustic soda


12 Functions of Caustic Soda for Household and Industry

Caustic soda is one of the substances with many functions. Typically, the function of caustic soda is to manage clogged water drains. In fact, this material has a lot of advantages in many sectors. 

This article discusses the functions of caustic soda in daily life and the manufacturing sector. Thus, read the explanation below!

The Functions of Caustic Soda

The Functions of Caustic Soda

Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) can be used for various needs, from households to industries. According to data from the Tennessee Department of Health, about 56% of caustic soda produced is used in the industry and 25% is used in the paper industry. 

Yet, caustic soda has a certain property you should know to prevent accidents. Dissolving solid caustic soda in water can cause an exothermic reaction that can produce heat and exposure to splash, which can be a safety hazard. 

Therefore, you must use this substance carefully with safe methods and tools. Then, what are the functions of caustic soda for household and industry sectors? Below is a detailed explanation:

1. Cleaning Clogged Drain

The first function of caustic soda is cleaning the clogged waterways. Caustic soda is typically found in cleaner liquids and has similar contents as drain cleaners. Using caustic soda for drains can dissolve fats and break down dirt and hair that clog it.

2. Creating Soaps

Caustic soda is widely found in the process of soap and detergent making, especially commercial ones. Caustic soda that comes into direct contact with oil or fat will produce glycerin and soap.

Generally, NaOH content can be found in chlorine bleach and drain cleaners that can turn fat into soap, making it dissolve in water.

3. Cleaning Crusts

The next function of caustic soda is cleaning crusts, such as those on kitchenwares and ovens. As explained before, caustic soda can turn fats into soaps. Thus, when the substance makes contact with a crust containing vegetable or animal fat, a saponification reaction that produces glycerin and soap will occur, making the crust will be lifted.

4. Removing Heavy Metal Contamination in Water

Caustic soda can control the acidity level and remove heavy metals in water. Moreover, caustic soda is frequently used to produce water disinfection (sodium hypochlorite).

5. Removing Paints

Caustic soda can remove paint on furniture and other materials. For example, you can use caustic soda to remove paint on metals to make it turn into the original color. 

6. Cleaning Bathroom Walls and Floors

The next function of caustic soda is cleaning bathroom walls and floors. With its alkali properties and high pH, caustic soda can break down the fats and crusts on the walls and floors. 

Aside from bathroom floors and walls, caustic soda can remove the crusts on furniture and other parts of the house. This substance can also rub out dirt well if used at the right concentration. 

7. Producing Medicines

The function of caustic soda is not limited to everyday life, but also for manufacturing needs. Caustic soda can help the pharmaceutical and drug industries to make various products, such as pain relievers, anticoagulants, and treatments to lower cholesterol.

8. Creating Fuel Cells

In the energy sector, caustic soda can help create fuel cells that work like batteries to produce electricity cleanly and efficiently.

Fuel cells are commonly used in transportation; stationary, emergency, and portable backup power applications; and material handling. It can also be used to produce epoxy resins for wind turbines.

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9. Taking Part in Food Processing

Caustic soda can be used for several food processing processes, such as removing the skin of tomatoes, fruit, and potatoes for the canning process, preserving food to keep it crispy, and as a food preservative to prevent bacteria and fungus from growing.

10. Taking Part in Wood and Paper Products Processing

The next function of caustic soda is to process wood and paper products. To make papers, the wood will be given a liquid containing sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) and sodium sulfide, making the unwanted materials dissolve. 

As a result, you will have the wood cellulose that will be the raw materials for paper production. Caustic soda is also used in paper recycling to separate the ink from the paper. Moreover, it is also used to clean the raw materials in wood product making, such as furniture and cupboards. 

11. Processing Aluminum Ores

Sodium hydroxide or caustic soda is also used to extract alumina (aluminum oxide) from natural minerals. Alumina is used to produce aluminum and a variety of its derivatives, such as aluminum foil, cans, kitchen utensils, beer kegs, and aircraft components.

12. Creating Various Manufacturing Products

Along with the industrial products mentioned above, caustic soda is also frequently used to process manufacturing products, such as explosives, rayon, spandex, paint, ceramics, epoxy resin, and glass. 

Not only that, but it is also used in the textile industry to produce dye and carry out the bleaching and cleaning process on cotton cloth. Additionally, caustic soda is leveraged in the metal industry to process and clean the metal, electroplating, electrolyte extraction, and oxide coating. 

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How to Use Caustic Soda Safely

How to Use Caustic Soda Safely

Now, you already know the functions of caustic soda for various needs. However, if you plan to use caustic soda at home, paying attention to the procedures for using it safely is advisable. 

Caustic soda, either liquid or solid, is considered corrosive, so it can irritate skin and eyes. Therefore, you can follow the caustic soda usage steps below to reduce the accident risks:

  1. Wear waterproof gloves and masks. Wearing special goggles is also recommended to prevent making contact with direct splashes. 
  2. Open the caustic soda packaging and pour it into water. Avoid pouring water into caustic soda and avoid mixing caustic soda with other chemical substances to prevent hazardous reactions.
  3. Add caustic soda to the water gradually and stir slowly with a wooden spoon. This process will release heat and splash, so do it carefully. 
  4. Pour the mixture into the drain or the surface you will clean, let it rest for a while, and rinse completely. 
  5. Ensure the room has great and wide-open ventilation to prevent harmful gases from being trapped.
  6. Keep caustic soda in a container and close it tightly. Also, keep it away from children.

Those are the information about the functions of caustic soda you must know. It can be concluded that caustic soda can be leveraged for various needs, including the industry. 

Regarding caustic soda for the industry, Chandra Asri Group provides high-quality caustic sodawhich can be used for the growing downstream industry in Indonesia. So, make sure to use caustic soda from Chandra Asri Group for a more optimal production process!

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