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Chemical Industry


The Chemical Industry: Definition, Products, and Examples

The chemical industry has become one of the primary sectors in the global economy in which this industry plays a role in fulfilling business and daily needs. Chemical industries, such as petrochemicals, contribute to plastics, rubbers, and other manufacturing which later are utilized by the wider community. 

This article discusses the definition of the chemical industry, why this industry is important, and types of chemical industries. So, read the information until the end!

What Is the Chemical Industry?

What Is the Chemical Industry

The chemical industry is a sector changing raw materials, such as minerals, metals, and oil into final and functional products. The products are typically utilized by households, construction, medicine, agriculture, and many more. 

With its crucial roles, the chemical industry is one of the biggest sectors globally. The profit of this sector in 2022 reached USD 5.72 trillion, with the pharmaceutical industry as the segment with the most sales value. 

The profits were getting higher despite overcoming the pandemic in 2020–2022. This reveals that the chemical industry keeps revolving and relevant to humans’ daily needs. 

Then, why is the chemical industry important for daily life? When you wake up in the morning, almost all products you use, such as body wash, detergent, toothbrushes, plates, and so on are made from complex chemical processes. 

Not only that but the chemical industry also contributes to the technology and health development with innovations on medicines as well as medical tools beneficial for human beings. 

This industry also contributes to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by providing job openings, encouraging innovations, and fulfilling society’s needs. 

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Products from the Chemical Industry

Products from the Chemical Industry

In general, the chemical industry produces three types of products, which are basic chemicals, special chemicals, and consumer chemicals. Here are the complete explanations:

1. Basic Chemicals

Basic chemicals are divided into petrochemical products (from petroleum, natural gas, and coals), polymers, and basic inorganic materials. Basic chemicals are typically sold to chemical industries and other industries as raw materials. 

The example of basic chemicals are polymers, caustic soda, nitric acid, chlorine, and many more. Generally, basic chemical products like petrochemicals are produced with special technology that alters hydrocarbons into basic chemicals. 

2. Special Chemicals

Special chemicals are usually used to produce paints, inks, dyes, and agricultural materials. That’s why they are widely distributed to the textile, engineering, and paper industries for further manufacturing. 

Special chemicals are frequently developed to offer maximal function and benefits. It can be seen from how wall paints are developed from organic solvent-based to water-based paint. 

3. Consumer Chemicals

The chemical industry also manufactures products that are directly sold to consumers, such as soaps and cleaning fluids. The products are also developed to meet various needs, such as plant-based soap, soap for sensitive skin, and many more. 

Aside from these three, the chemical industry makes fine and bulk chemicals for industry. Bulk or commodity chemicals are big-scaled products for global markets, such as polymers and fertilizers. 

Moreover, fine chemicals are materials with a high degree of purity that are only made in limited amounts by conforming to preset requirements. An example of a fine chemical is glutaric anhydride.

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Types of the Chemical Industries

Types of the Chemical Industries

Now, you already figured out the products from the chemical industry. From the materials above, there are also types of chemical industries with their respective specializations, including:

1. Pharmaceutical Industry

The first type is the pharmaceutical industry. It works to develop and produce medicines. The workers study, produce, develop, and sell various drugs, such as antivirals, antibiotics, and many more. 

2. Food and Beverages Industry

The chemical industry does not only produce chemicals and synthetic materials but also the food and beverages industry. It manufactures foods and preserves. 

In a food and beverage product, you may find additional materials, such as food preservation, sweeteners, emulsifiers, and dye. These ingredients must be tested before they are allowed to be added to food.

3. Detergent and Soap Industry

This industry makes cleaning products, such as soap and detergents. Cleaning products also undergo development to match the community’s needs, such as being able to clean hard stains, having a certain fragrance, being safe for sensitive skin, and so on.

4. Paper Industry

The paper industry transforms wood into thin layers of sheets that are functional for humans. To make papers, the wood must be extracted and combined with other chemicals. 

5. Cosmetic Industry

The cosmetic industry produces beauty and body care products, such as makeup, moisturizers, anti-aging creams, and many more. Because the products are directly applied to the skin, they must be tested strictly. 

6. Coating and Paint Industry

This industry works on producing coatings and paints for construction, such as wall paints, iron coatings, wood coatings, and so on. Similar to other chemical industries, the coating and paint industry undergoes development to match consumer’s needs. 

7. Textile Industry

The textile industry manufactures textile products, such as cloths and attires. The manufacturing process includes printing, dipping the fabric in dye, and mixing it with other chemicals, such as waterproofing agents.

8. Petrochemical Industry

This industry is one of the important sectors of the global market because it transforms petroleum and natural gas into basic chemicals. The petroleum and natural gas will be manufactured into olefin, aromatic, propylene, and many more to be distributed to other chemical industries, such as plastics and synthetic fibers. 

Those are the information about the chemical industry that you can learn. The chemical industry, one of the petrochemical industries, has a significant role in global manufacturing. One of the companies providing chemical solutions for manufacture in Indonesia is Chandra Asri Group.

Chandra Asri Group processes petroleum in a naphtha cracker to make olefin and the by-products, polyethylene polypropylene, styrene monomer, butadiene, and many more. If you need high-quality chemicals, make sure to choose Chandra Asri Group!

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