In order to improve transparency, service, and communication to the stakeholders as the implementation of good corporate governance principles, Chandra Asri Group appointed a Corporate Secretary who is responsible directly to the Board of Directors.
Corporate Secretary plays an important role in maintaining relationships with all stakeholders in order to communicate Chandra Asri Group’s activities well, especially regarding the disclosure of information. This is in accordance with the provisions set out in the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/ POJK.04 /2014 concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuer or Public Company.
Duties and responsibilities of Corporate Secretary are as follows:
Chandra Asri Group established an Internal Audit Unit to assist Management in preparing and managing a systematic and orderly approach in implementing its monitoring and evaluation duties on internal control, risk management and corporate governance.
Structure and position, duties, responsibilities, authority, as well as requirements and the Code of Conduct of Internal Auditor are set forth in the Internal Audit Charter. Internal Audit Charter was approved by the Decree of the Board of Directors as well as Board of Commissioner, and is used.
Our committees are the driving force behind innovation, collaboration, and decision-making within our organization. These dedicated teams, composed of reliable and passionate individuals, work together to address key aspects of our mission and goals.
The Audit Committee was established by the Company through the Board of Commissioners Decree No. 013/LGL/BOC RES/VI/2021 to support the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. In performing its duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee upholds the five principles of GCG and act professionally and independently for the benefit of the Company and its stakeholders.
The Audit Committee is responsible directly to the Board of Commissioners and in coordination with the Internal Audit Unit.
To support the role of Audit Committee, the Company has developed a guideline namely the Audit Committee Charter which includes:
Chandra Asri Group has developed an integrated Risk Management System at the corporate level to identify and manage various risks that may affect business performance. This system is regularly updated as part of the Company's long-term strategy to mitigate risks across operational, production, and financial aspects. Chandra Asri Group identifies all risks and manages risk positions in accordance with the Company’s policy and risk appetite.
Chandra Asri Group has a Code of Conduct (CoC) as guidance in act and the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. CoC is a written provisions that is used as reference in conducting business activities that must be understood and carried out every day. CoC also regulates corporate behaviour and individual behaviour related to compliance, health and safety, conflicts of interest management, compliance with laws, procurement, security of information and assets, and public information disclosure.
CoC applies to all employees and management (Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners) of Chandra Asri Group as well as its subsidiaries and every joint venture company within Chandra Asri Group’s control. It is expected that every Employee; and stakeholder, including but not limited to a business partner, a supplier or vendor, a customer, a contractor, an agent, a consultant and/or any other third party who works with, for or represent Chandra Asri Group must understand and follow this Code of Conduct.
Evaluation of CoC implementation is conducted periodically to ensure that all elements of the Company has been running the business rules based on the ethics and high standards that have been set. In addition, a review of CoC is conducted to determine whether it requires changes and/or adjustments of regulations in connection with the development of Chandra Asri Group’s business.
The below handbook has been developed to socialize SHE regulation information to all Chandra Asri Group and its subsidiaries employee, and contractor staffs who work in the CAP and its subsidiaries premises.
This regulation shall apply to all facilities and businesses of the Chandra Asri Group and its subsidiaries, and joint venture companies over which CAP has management control, regardless of type, size and product provided.
All Chandra Asri Group and its subsidiaries, and contractor staffs are expected to follow rules and regulation in the below strictly so that all activities can be executed smoothly and orderly, conflicts can be minimized and finally all of us can achieve target in all aspects of safety, schedule, quality and cost.
Please download the below rules and regulation (which divided into 4 (four)) download links, should you have any question or difficulties, please contact your superior or CAP staffs who are responsible for your activities.
Chandra Asri Group is committed to implementing the Code of Ethics, as well as upholding and complying with relevant provisions that apply both domestically and internationally. This policy is supported by good business practices and ethical corporate governance to fulfil our obligations to shareholders and stakeholders and must be followed to by all Chandra Asri Group employees
The Whistleblowing Management Policy reflects our dedication to upholding our Code of Conduct. This system is designed as a tool to assist all Chandra Asri Group employees, including those in our subsidiaries and joint ventures and stakeholder including but not limited to business partner, supplier or vendor, customer, contractor, agent, consultant and/or any other third party who works with, for or represents Chandra Asri Group in are also encouraged to consult with or report any suspected violations to Chandra Asri Group management.