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Transplantation and Biodiversity in the Northern Waters of Pulau Panjang, Serang, 2024

In an effort to conserve coral reef ecosystems, PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk, in collaboration with the Kelompok Konservasi Alam Bawah Laut (KABL) of Sukarame Village, has undertaken coral reef rehabilitation in the northern waters of Pulau Panjang, Serang Regency, Banten Province. Through artificial coral transplantation methods, a total of 1,270 coral seedlings have been planted since 2020 as part of efforts to restore the coral reef ecosystem.

Biodiversity monitoring conducted on February 25, 2024, showed that the substrate of the northern waters of Pulau Panjang was dominated by live coral, covering 60.5% of the area, an increase from 51% in 2021 and 52.2% in 2022. According to the Ministry of Environment Decree No. 4 of 2001 on Coral Reef Damage Quality Standards, this live coral cover is classified as being in Good condition. The dominant type of hard coral is Coral Massive, indicating strong currents and high sedimentation levels.

During the Indicator Reef Fish observation, 19 genera were found, dominated by Neopomacentrus sp., a carnivorous fish that acts as a predator for small organisms, including dead coral-eating species. Thalasoma sp. was also found, which plays an important role in the ecosystem by spending 90% of its day chewing, helping to clean live coral by eating algae that hinder coral growth. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’) was recorded at 2.23, indicating a highly stable condition, with an evenness index of 0.75 and a dominance index of 0.16, both of which also point to ecosystem stability.

Additionally, water quality measurements were carried out in the northern waters of Pulau Panjang, assessing parameters such as temperature, salinity, and pH. The analysis results showed that water quality is very suitable for optimal coral growth, meeting the seawater quality standards according to the Ministry of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004.

Click here to access the Panjang Island Coral Reef Transplantation Report.

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