Welcoming Eid Al-Fitr 1444H, the City Government of Cilegon sent off the homecoming participants Program "Mudik Gratis Penuh Berkah 2023" at the Cilegon City Government Office. This program is an initiative of the City Government in collaboration with industries in the Cilegon City area, including Chandra Asri. As a growth partner for the community and the government, Chandra Asri participates in this program by providing three bus fleets and departing approximately 160 people to Semarang, Kuningan, and Solo. A total of 25 bus fleets originating from industry support in Cilegon departed on April 18, 2023. These buses depart approximately 1,200 people to 17 destinations covering four provinces on the islands of Java and Sumatra. Chandra Asri hopes that those who participate in this Homecoming Program will arrive in their hometowns safely so they can gather to celebrate happiness with their families and relatives.