On 21 July 2017, PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, planted 10,000 mangrove seedlings in the coast of Karangantu, Banten Bay in the series of "Gebyar Gerakan Banten Bebersih", activity initiated by the Banten Provincial Government. The planting of 10,000 mangrove seedlings was attended by Mr. Wahidin Halim as the Governor of Banten, as well as his Deputy, Mr. Andika Hazrumy and SMI employee representatives. This activity begins with the signing of Environmental Services Cooperation between the Head of Environmental and Forestry Agency of Banten Province with SMI for Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau. The 5-year collaboration is expected to maintain the availability of water in the Cidanau River Basin to support the surrounding industry.