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SMI Earns Two Platinum Medals at the ICQCC 2020 Event

PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, won two Platinum medals at the ICQCC (45th International Convention on Quality Control Circles) which was held virtually on 1-3 December 2020 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The two Platinum Awards were obtained by SGA Delta Force (Engineer level) with the title "Reduce Index of Industrial Water in SMI Plant from 0.911 to 0.800 Tons / SM Product within 10 Months" and SGA Snake Polymer (Operator level) with the title "Eliminate 6.0%. Internal Out-of-Range pH Measurement at IPAL-2 (SMI WWTP) by end of 2019”. By obtaining these awards, the enthusiasm and ability of SGA in problem solving at both the Operator and Engineer levels are expected to increase and become an inspiration for other teams.

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