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Program Ternak untuk Kemandirian Ekonomi Berkelanjutan bagi Masyarakat Sekitar Perusahaan


Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic for the Communities Around the Company

On 7 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held a launch event for the Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic Independence in collaboration with the Villa Ternak Foundation. This program is Chandra Asri's effort to accelerate economic recovery due to the pandemic, especially for the community around the company. This program covers how to raise sheep and opportunities for economic development. This program was also appreciated by the Head of the Cilegon City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), Eva Sarifah, and the Serang Regency Agriculture Service Head, Zaldi Dhuhana, who were also present on the occasion. This training event was attended by 52 people from Gunung Sugih, Anyer, Kosambironyok, and Grogol Indah villages, sending 13 participants each. Also, there is a breeding of 100 sheep which will be distributed to each village. The participants will be provided with how to raise sheep including how to make animal feed.

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