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Protection of Biodiversity at Kehati Asri Conservation in 2023


Protection of Biodiversity at Kehati Asri Conservation in 2023

Chandra Asri continues its efforts to protect biodiversity through environmental conservation initiatives, one of which is the establishment and management of the Kehati Park located in Gunung Sugih Village, Ciwandan District, Cilegon City. Through the preservation of Kehati Asri Park, the company strives to continuously assess the diversity of flora and fauna through research, development, and innovation with trained personnel. Based on the 2023 Biodiversity Status Data in Kehati Asri Park, a total of 415 plants from 44 plant species were found, with a Flora Biodiversity Index (H') of 3. Efforts are being made to cultivate typical Banten flora based on the Decree of the Lebak Regent No. 522.51/SK.233/Ekon/1993, specifically the Namnam plant (Cynometra cauliflora), with the cultivation of 130 stems. Meanwhile, the Fauna Diversity in Kehati Asri Park in 2023 consists of 132 individuals from 3 categories: Aves, Mammals, and Herpetofauna. Based on this data, the Fauna Biodiversity Index (H') in Kehati Asri Park is 2.08 for the Aves class, 1.31 for the Mammals class, and 1.74 for the Herpetofauna group. As a part of their commitment to biodiversity protection, Chandra Asri has established institutional cooperation with the Department of Biology Education at the Faculty of Education (FKIP) of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA) to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi program, which includes research, identification, and inventory of biodiversity in Kehati Asri Park. One of the outcomes of this collaboration is the creation of an information system as an Educational for Sustainable Development (ESD) based learning platform accessible via: https://kehatiasri.com.

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