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PENGUMUMAN:Klarifikasi atas Ketidakbenaran Informasi Pembangunan Perumahan Karyawan yang Mengatasnamakan Chandra Asri


ANNOUNCEMENT: Clarification of False Information on Employee Housing Development, Claiming on Behalf of Chandra Asri

We recently learned that a fake agreement letter was circulating regarding the implementation of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) Employee Housing Development carried out by PT. Agung Sari Pratama. We, on behalf of Chandra Asri, hereby convey that we have never appointed any party to work on Employee Housing Development and we have also never signed any agreement or commitment in this regard. We urge the public to be careful and be aware of any efforts of fraud in the form of offers of investment or cooperation in house construction projects claiming on behalf of Chandra Asri. We highly appreciated your cooperation for this matters so that no party is harmed by this false information. If you received this kind of suspicious information, please make sure to confirm it to Mr. Wawan Mulyana, our Community Relations Manager, email wawan.mulyana@capcx.com.

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