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Planting 600 Trees in Commemoration of World Tree Day

Commemorating World Tree Day, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk collaborated with the Kehati Cikalumpang Foundation in planting 600 trees on 21 December 2021. The Company distributed 300 trees that were planted in the Kehati Leuwibumi Park, Padarincang District, Serang Regency. In addition, as many as 300 other trees were planted in the Company's Kehati Park in Pasirceuri Village, Kadubeureum Village. Types of plants given consist of categories of productive, endemic, and rare plants and carbon-reducing plants. In addition, Chandra Asri has also implemented an environmental service scheme for water in the Cidanau watershed area for an area of 25 hectares by maintaining 12,500 plant stands. The implementation of this environmental service has been carried out since 2016 in collaboration with the Cidanau Watershed Communication Forum (FKDC). This series of activities is a manifestation of the Company's concern for the environment to restraint the rate of deforestation, as well as efforts to reduce the carbon footprint.

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