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Pembangunan Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Berkelanjutan untuk Masyarakat Sekitar Pabrik Chandra Asri


Clean Water Access and Sustainable Sanitation for Communities Around Chandra Asri’s Plant

As its contribution to ensuring the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation, on 20 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk collaborated with Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) in the construction of a healthy and environmentally friendly toilet for 20 families in Nagreg Village, Kepuh Village, and Kampung Cigobang, Randakari Village. In addition, Chandra Asri also provides access to clean water for people in Gambiran Village, Gunung Sugih and Pakijingan Village in Bandulu, Anyer. This toilet facility uses a bio-septic tank which is more environmentally friendly. This bio-septic tank is a collaboration between Chandra Asri and PT Profilia Indotech which uses Chandra Asri's raw material, namely PE UR3840V. With the development of clean water access and sustainable sanitation, the community is expected to be able to implement clean and healthy living behaviors.

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