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Lindungi Tenaga Medis dari COVID-19, Chandra Asri Berikan 500 Vaksin Influenza


Chandra Asri Gives 500 Influenza Vaccines to Protect Medical Personnel from COVID-19

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk is continuing its commitment to actively assist the government in handling COVID-19. On 2 July 2020 at the BPBD Cilegon, Banten, the company provided 500 FluQuadri influenza vaccines for medical workers to protect them from the virus transmission. The assistance was delivered through the COVID-19 Task Force of Cilegon City, which will be distributed by the Health Service to all Community Health Centers in the city. These vaccines are expected to increase the immunity of the medical staff who make direct contact with COVID-19 patients.

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