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Krakatau Daya Listrik Receives the 2023 National Energy Council Award for Its Renewable Energy Transition Initiative

For its continuous business development in the Renewable Energy (EBT) sector, a subsidiary of the Chandra Asri Group, PT Krakatau Daya Listrik (KDL), has been honored with the "Private Company Providing Implementative Energy in the Energy Transition" Award at the 2023 National Energy Council Awards. This achievement recognizes KDL's commitment and success in implementing the Renewable Energy transition across various sectors and market segments. KDL has successfully constructed Rooftop, Ground-Mounted, and Floating Solar Power Plants in various locations, including industrial and retail areas. By September 2023, the installation of these Solar Power Plants will save approximately 241 tons of CO2, equivalent to generating electricity for 773 households. Not only has KDL established Solar Power Plants, but the company has also successfully set up three Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in two different regions through its subsidiary, PT Krakatau Sarana Energi.

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