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Kontribusi Chandra Asri dalam Penyediaan Kemasan Daging Qurban


Chandra Asri’s Contribution in Providing Sacrificial Meat Packaging

In the context of Eid al-Adha 1442 H, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk with MUI Banten again distributed their contribution in providing 40,450 Sacrificial Meat Containers. This hygienic, reusable and recyclable packaging was given to the community around the Chandra Asri Site Office and various areas in the Banten Province, cattle villa, and several mosques around Jabodetabek. This sacrificial meat container is a type of thin-walled packaging made from one of Chandra Asri's products, Polypropylene (PP) HI50TN. The raw materials used have been certified Halal by the Indonesian MUI, SNI, and meet the applicable national and international regulations so that they are guaranteed to be safe for use by the public. In producing this packaging, Chandra Asri collaborates with PT Dadap Plasindo, a company producing plastic packaging products in Indonesia.

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