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Konsisten Jaga Standar Mutu, Chandra Asri Raih Penghargaan Tertinggi Platinum di SNI Award 2022


Consistently Maintain Quality Standards, Chandra Asri Won The Highest Platinum Award at the SNI Award 2022

Chandra Asri won the Gold/Platinum award in the SNI Award 2022, organized by the National Standardization Agency (BSN). Chandra Asri's achievement as the awardee of Major Goods Organizations in the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Textile, and Mining Sectors was due to the Company's commitment to implementing the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for the quality and standards of its products. In its business operations, Chandra Asri carries out strict quality control to ensure the production process and product quality are always at their best performance. Chandra Asri has also obtained SNI 8887:2020 certification for gas pipe raw materials this year. The existence of SNI products will make it easier for consumers to choose quality products that are safe for health and the environment.

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