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MoEF Announced PROPER 2022, Two Chandra Asri Plants Acquired Green Rating for the Second Time

Closing the year of 2022, the two Chandra Asri plants in Ciwandan and Puloampel were awarded the Green PROPER Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia on Thursday, 29 December 2022. These two Chandra Asri plats were considered to exceed environmental management requirements, as well as contribute to community development and biodiversity around the Company's operational area. The achievement of Green PROPER in 2022 marked the second time for Chandra Asri to receive the highest appreciation in environmental management. This award is also a form of the Company's commitment to sustainable business practices by implementing green energy. In the future, Chandra Asri will be committed to maintaining its achievements in minimizing environmental impacts and continuing to make process improvements to realize a sustainable petrochemical business.

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