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Vaccination Program in Anyer District to Support Government Programs

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk in collaboration with the Unsur Muspika of Anyer District, Anyer Health Center, and the Serang District Health Office held vaccination stages 1, 2 and booster on Friday, 1 April, 2022. This assistance for vaccination program was given to 500 residents of Anyer sub-district who had met the requirements. In addition, assistance in the form of 500 food packages was also given to residents who participated. Since the start of vaccination efforts to combat COVID-19, Chandra Asri has facilitated more than 11,000 people consisting of employees, employees' families, work partners and the general public to get the COVID-19 vaccine, both the first and second doses, also booster vaccines to achieve herd immunity. Chandra Asri will continue to contribute to public health in line with the company's commitment to achieving universal health as stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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