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Enclosed Ground Flare, Bantu Minimalkan Dampak Sosial dan Lingkungan


Enclosed Ground Flare, Help Minimize Environmental and Social Impacts

In conducting operational activities, it is not uncommon for several impacts to arise from the ongoing production process. Chandra Asri as a company that prioritizes the health and safety of employees and the surrounding community, continues to make efforts to routinely inspect and maintain assets, identify and monitor risks, and invest in the best technology to minimize environmental and social impacts. One of them is by operating the Enclosed Ground Flare (EGF), a smokeless flare technology at our petrochemical complex in Cilegon, Banten. As a solution for handling exhaust gases at start up process and if there are problems during operational activities, EGF comes with the ability to burn residual hydrocarbon gases using a closed combustion method so that it does not cause heat and air radiation. Through EGF, the exhaust emissions released also meet environmental quality standards. When starting the EGF construction in 2018, Chandra Asri has chosen the design with the maximum capacity available from all the EGF manufacturing companies worldwide in that year. From an environmental perspective, EGF is designed to carry out the combustion process completely so that no hydrocarbons from combustion are discharged into the air. From a social perspective, the advantage of the technology over a conventional flare lies in its ability to reduce noise while eliminating flame and smoke.

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