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Donasi untuk Rumah Pintar Yatim dan Dhuafa Al-Ikhlas


Donations for Rumah Pintar Orphanage and Dhuafa Al-Ikhlas

On 27 January 2021, the CSR team representing the company visited the Rumah Pintar Yatim & Dhuafa Al-Ikhlas Foundation, assisted by Mr. Heru Wahyono who is an employee of Chandra Asri. In addition to serving as the Board of Trustees, Mr. Heru also gave his house for the activities of the Rumah Pintar Foundation which has become a place to learn for around 40 orphans and children living around the Grand Pesona, Kertasana Village, Bojonegara District. As a support for the social activities carried out by employees, the company also provides assistance in the form of educational supplies consisting of reading books (general and religious), Al-Quran, carpets, printers, standing boards, and 200 masks to support teaching and learning activities.

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