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Supported by Chandra Asri, Sinar Mas Land Continue to Developing Infrastructure Using Plastic Waste Mixed Asphalt

Sinar Mas Land has again collaborated with Chandra Asri for the application of plastic waste mixed asphalt. Marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement on Wednesday (13/07), Sinar Mas Land will apply 3.8 km or 56,138 m2 of plastic asphalt in the BSD City area. The signing was represented by FX Sidi Widagdo as proxy for the Board of Directors of PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk and Edi Rivai as The Director of Legal, External Affairs & Circular Economy Chandra Asri. One of the elements that is also a part of Sinar Mas Land main concern is sustainable and environmentally sound development. One of the efforts has been carried out by Sinar Mas Land together with Chandra Asri who played an active role in encouraging the use of plastic waste mixed asphalt on a national scale. Chandra Asri's Director of Legal, External Affairs & Circular Economy, Edi Rivai, stated that Chandra Asri will continue to proactively encourage multi-stakeholder partnerships in the development of plastic asphalt as an effort to overcome waste problems, especially plastic waste, in Indonesia.

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