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Chandra Asri Receives the Subroto Award 2023

On Monday, October 30, 2023, the jury of the Subroto Award for Energy Efficiency (Penghargaan Subroto Bidang Efisiensi Energi or “PSBE”) recognized Chandra Asri’s Polypropylene Plant with a third-place in the "Energy Management in Buildings and Industry", specifically for the sub-category "Energy Management in Large Manufacturing Industries." This award acknowledges Chandra Asri Polypropylene Plant's dedication to implementing energy-efficient practices, contributing significantly to Indonesia's emission reduction targets outlined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the 2050 Long-Term Low Carbon and Climate Resilience Strategy (LTS-LCCR). The Polypropylene Plant's energy efficiency initiatives encompass several programs, including the incorporation of Advance Process Control (APC) in the Reactor System and Vent Recovery Area. Over the period from 2018 to 2022, these efforts resulted in a noteworthy achievement, with total energy savings reaching 26.1 gigawatt-hours, equivalent to 9.6% of the plant's total energy consumption in one year, translating to IDR 35.5 billion in savings. This accomplishment demonstrates the company's steadfast commitment and tangible efforts in implementing energy efficiency through a diverse range of programs and innovations at the Polypropylene Plant. In addition to the Polypropylene Plant's success, other Chandra Asri Planta also recieved recognition in the "Special Innovation in Energy Management in Industry" sub-category. The Ethylene Plant received acclaim for its energy-saving measures on propylene refrigerant compressors, the Polyethylene Plant for endeavours to conserve reactor system energy, and the Styrene Plant for its initiative to optimize air fin cooler performance through innovative tube bundle support. These acknowledgments highlight the broader organizational commitment of Chandra Asri to advancing energy efficiency and sustainability across various facets of its operations.

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