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Chandra Asri Receives Appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two

In the Best Taxpayer Award 2022 agenda, Chandra Asri received appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two (or KPP Wajib Pajak Besar Dua) due to its contribution in implementing the highest compliance towards tax obligations. The awarding procession was carried out by Mokhamad Khifni, Head of the Large Tax Office (LTO) Two, Suryandi, Director of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs Chandra Asri and Junus Danuatmodjo, Tax Section Manager Chandra Asri. The event was held at Large Tax Office (LTO) Two in Jakarta. The 2022 Best Taxpayer Award received by Chandra Asri is concrete proof of the Company's commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), especially in the governance aspect, in which Chandra Asri actively complies with the provisions required by the Government. Chandra Asri, in this case, also takes the initiative to continuously contribute to Indonesia, not only through its products but also with its business compliance in supporting Indonesia's economic growth.

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