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Chandra Asri Provides Scholarships to 6 Outstanding Students

To support Indonesia's young generation, on 13 September 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk provided scholarships for Diploma (D3) and Undergraduate (S1) levels for six outstanding students around the operational area.Those who were selected have been accepted as students, there are D3 Electronic Engineering Study Program in PGRI Banten Polytechnic, S1 Management Study Program in Untirta Serang, S1 Industrial Engineering Study Program in UNSERA Banten, S1 Islamic Civilization History Study Program in UIN SHM Serang, and S1 Informatics Engineering Study Program in UNSERA Banten.Chandra Asri hopes that providing this educational scholarship can prepare students to face real work in the future, with the pieces of knowledge obtained during lectures. So that they are also ready to contribute to the family and society.

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