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Chandra Asri Salurkan Beras Lokal Serang untuk Bantu Warga Terdampak COVID-19


Chandra Asri Distributes Local Rice from Serang to Help Affected Communities of COVID-19

On 4 May 2020, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk distributed rice packages to 1100 families in several villages in the Anyer district and Task Force of COVID-19 in Gunung Sugih, Ciwandan sub-district. As an effort to empower local farmers, Chandra Asri donated Jaseng rice, which is a harvest from local farmers in Serang. In addition to donations in the form of rice packages, Chandra Asri also distributed masks to the community as a preventive measure to slow the rate of transmission of COVID--19 in Cilegon and Serang. Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden on communities whose economic conditions are affected by this pandemic situation.

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