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Chandra Asri Received Community Builder Award from Habitat For Humanity Indonesia

Chandra Asri received an award from Habitat for Humanity Indonesia (HFHI), which was handed over directly by the National Director of HFHI, Susanto Samsudin, to the Director of HR and Corporate Affairs, Chandra Asri, Suryandi, at the Donor Appreciation Night event, in Jakarta on 20 September 2022. This award was given by HFHI for Chandra Asri's long-term partnership and contribution in supporting humanitarian programs to improve the quality of life for vulnerable people so that they can have a better life. This partnership between Chandra Asri and HFHI has had an impact on the lives of hundreds of beneficiaries. The partnerships that have been established include the Bedah Kampung Program in Cisiram, Disaster Response assistance during the Flood and Landslide in Lebak, aid during the recovery period after the Sunda Strait tsunami, and assistance for the establishment of temporary shelters after the tsunami and liquefaction in Palu. Together with HFHI, Chandra Asri helped speed up the post-disaster recovery period so that affected communities could recover faster.

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