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Chandra Asri Group Manages 1.7 Tons of Plastic Waste from Cilegon City DLH Competition

Chandra Asri Group supports the activity of the Heaviest Plastic Bag Waste Collection Competition for elementary, junior high, and senior high school students, as well as the community and waste banks organized by the Cilegon City Environmental Agency, Banten, to commemorate National Waste Care Day on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. A total of 1.7 tons of waste, the target of which will be collected, will be managed by Chandra Asri Group to become a mixture of Plastic Asphalt and Plas Premium for the community.

The plastic bag waste collected by Chandra Asri Group will be used as raw material for a mixture of plastic asphalt to be deployed by the Cilegon City Government on TPSA Bagendung Street. Then, the remainder will be processed using pyrolysis technology at the waste management facility, namely the Industri Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu-Atasi Sampah, Kelola Mandiri (IPST ASARI).

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