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Chandra Asri Group Dukung Program Mudik Gratis Pemerintah Kota Cilegon


Chandra Asri Group Supports the Homecoming Program by the Cilegon City Government

PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group) once again provides support to the Mudik Gratis Penuh Berkah Program initiated by the Cilegon City Government. This year, Chandra Asri Group provides support with 3 bus fleets for the routes to Semarang, Solo, and Cirebon. With the company's support, the free homecoming provided by Chandra Asri Group for the people of Cilegon is expected to facilitate participants in celebrating Eid moments with their families in their hometowns.

The joint homecoming departure ceremony took place on Friday, April 5, 2024. Meanwhile, registration for the 2024 Blessing-filled Free Homecoming Program itself was conducted on March 30-31, 2024. A number of free buses supported by industries in Cilegon departed carrying a total of 1,800 residents with Cilegon ID cards to 19 destination cities covering 6 provinces, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sumatra, Lampung, and West Sumatra.

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