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Chandra Asri Group and Perum Jasa Tirta II Support Renewable Energy Needs at CA-EDC Plant

Chandra Asri Group has signed a memorandum of understanding with Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT II) to conduct a feasibility study on the potential of green energy through the development of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) and Hydropower Plants (PLTA). This research aims to promote the implementation of Renewable Energy and support Indonesia's target to achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2060.

The energy from these facilities will be distributed, one of which, to the world-class Chlor-Alkali and Ethylene Dichloride (CA-EDC) Plant currently being developed by Chandra Asri Group, with a total electricity capacity requirement of 340 MW. In addition to power generation, this study will also explore the potential development of a Clean Water Supply System in collaboration with Chandra Asri Group.

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