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Chandra Asri Group acquires vessels to strengthen supply reliability

Chandra Asri Group through its subsidiary, PT Chandra Daya Investasi (CDI), expanded its business portfolio by acquiring and operating four vessels to transport oil, chemicals and natural gas. This move is part of the company's efforts to strengthen the reliability of raw material supply through a more efficient and sustainable maritime supply chain. The vessels will be operated by CDI's logistics subsidiaries, PT Chandra Shipping International (CSI) and PT Marina Indah Maritim (MIM), to support internal operational needs and open new logistics business opportunities in the transportation and storage sectors.

As part of its long-term strategy, CDI also plans to continue adding vessels to strengthen its competitiveness and develop its marine logistics and storage sectors. With more independent raw material transportation management capabilities, Chandra Asri Group targets better supply chain resilience and production process stability. This initiative is in line with the company's vision as an energy, chemical and infrastructure solutions provider in Southeast Asia and supports sustainable growth in the logistics and energy sectors, with services that not only support internal business needs but also the needs of the wider industry.

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