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Chandra Asri Holds Community Awareness Activity Phase 4 with Gunung Sugih Village Residents

As part of routine activities, Chandra Asri has once again organized a Community Awareness event to provide socialization to the local community surrounding the company, aiming to enhance awareness and understanding. The phase 4 Community Awareness event was attended by 120 residents of Gunung Sugih Village and took place at the Village Office Yard on Saturday, October 2, 2023. There were three main topics covered during this event, including company gas pipeline safety, HIV/AIDS prevention, and fire prevention. During the event, Chandra Asri also donated 11 Fire Extinguishers to Gunung Sugih Village. Additionally, a fire extinguishing simulation using blankets and APAR was conducted with the participants. The information shared during this socialization is expected to be carried by each participant and implemented as good practices within their homes and families.

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