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Chandra Asri Hold Community Awareness Phase 2 with the Community of Kotasari Village

Chandra Asri is again carrying out the second Community Awareness activities in 2023 with the theme "Building Public Awareness and Participation on the Existence and Public Safety of Industrial Gas Pipelines". This activity, which is carried out regularly by Chandra Asri, aims to provide insight of the Company's gas pipelines existence in residential areas. The socialization also appealed to the public regarding activities that need to be avoided around the pipeline. In this activity, the public was also educated regarding the production flow and risk of emission hazards as well as efforts to monitor environmental quality carried out by Chandra Asri as part of the Company's social and environmental responsibility efforts. A speech from Chandra Asri's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department representative, Wawan Mulyana, started the Community Awareness activity. The event continued with opening remarks from Ms. Aliyah, Kotasari's Village Head, followed by a presentation on disaster preparedness in Cilegon by the Cilegon City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) representative, Mr. M. Rois. Furthermore, Chandra Asri's Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) department representative, Mr. Eko Arif Wijanarko, delivered a socialization regarding risks and hazard mitigation of gas pipelines.

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