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Chandra Asri Held Community Awareness with the Panggung Rawi Residents

Chandra Asri held the third Community Awareness activity in 2022 with the residents of Panggung rawi Village, Cilegon, Banten, on Thursday, August 11, 2022. As an effort to increase awareness of the risks from gas pipelines, this Community Awareness activity involved 51 participants consisting of village representatives, the Cilegon Police Chief, Neighborhoods Association (RT and RW) representatives, youth around the area, and community leaders. This time, the theme for Community Awareness is “Building Public Awareness and Participation Towards Presence and Safety of Industrial Gas Pipelines for the Community.” On the same occasion, the representative of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilegon City, Mr. Fathurrohman, brought a topic related to Disaster Preparedness. Furthermore, the residents also received education regarding the Risks and Hazard Mitigation of Gas Pipelines, which was delivered directly by the representative of the Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Chandra Asri, Mr. Sumartono. This socialization includes cautions regarding prohibited activities around the pipeline, such as planting perennials, burning garbage, making excavations, and constructing buildings. By holding Community Awareness regularly, Chandra Asri hopes that the resident can always be vigilant to avoid unwanted accidents or disasters.

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