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Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Commemorate National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN), Chandra Asri collaborated with the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI) and the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (PUPR) of Garut Regency to hold a discussion on the Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste for Sustainable Infrastructure. The topic discussed aligns with the circular economy initiatives carried out by the Company and partners to address the waste problem, and is also in line with the 2023 National Waste Awareness Day theme, namely, "Complete Waste Management for Community Welfare". This circular economy concept is also one of the solutions to reduce plastic waste in landfills and, at the same time, an effort to increase the economic value of low-value plastic waste. Attended by Secretary of Garut Regency PUPR Office, Asep Oo Kosasih, Deputy Chairperson of Adupi, Justin Wiganda, and Director of Legal, External Affairs, and Circular Economy Chandra Asri, Edi Rivai, this event discussed the processing of plastic waste which is classified as low-value plastic as a material plastic asphalt mix. The implementation of the plastic asphalt program, one of which is through collaboration with ADUPI as the supplier of raw materials for chopped plastic waste. Regarding its implementation, one region that has successfully used plastic asphalt roads is Garut Regency. Collaborating with Chandra Asri and the Bakti Barito Foundation, the Garut Regency Government is committed to implementing a 50 km plastic asphalt road from 2022 to 2023.

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