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Chandra Asri Dukung Fasilitas Literasi untuk Masyarakat Sekitar


Chandra Asri Supports Literacy Facilities for Surrounding Communities

Chandra Asri has partnered with communities for four years through the Literacy Corner program to improve student literacy facilities. This program is part of the Company's Corporate Shared Value (CSV) Program, which is part of education pillar. Starting in 2019, the Literacy Corner aims to increase interest in reading for school-age children. A total of 3,562 books have been distributed to 39 schools and agencies around the Company during the 2019-2022 period; this number is equivalent to 8.7% of schools in Ciwandan District, 11.6% of schools in Anyer District, and 22% of schools in Pulo Ampel District. As a result of the implementation of this program, approximately 7,000 people have become beneficiaries. Until now, the Company continues to strive to support surrounding schools by adding a collection of reading books following the National Library Standards (SNP) references and also the needs of schools. The Literacy Corner program also donated bookshelves made of wood pallet waste, collaborating with local wood craftsmen. This program is hoped to be beneficial for readers in meeting information needs and contributes to improving the local MSME economy.

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