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Chandra Asri and Lions Club Clean Pluit Reservoir to Commemorate World Cleanup Day 2023

Chandra Asri, in collaboration with Lions Club Districts 307 A1 and B1, organized the "Pluit Reservoir Cleanup Day 2023" on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at Pluit Reservoir Park in North Jakarta. This joint clean-up event is part of the World Cleanup Day (WCUD), which is the world's largest annual simultaneous clean-up activity observed every September. WCUD 2023 at Pluit Reservoir Park involved more than 1,000 volunteers, including employees and management from Chandra Asri. The theme of World Cleanup Day 2023 was "Sorting Waste from Home to Circular Economy," signifying a collective effort to address the issue of waste, especially plastic waste, by promoting sorting waste from the source. This clean-up action successfully prevented 800.3 kg of waste from polluting the water body, which serves as an alternative source of water for the community. That accumulated waste consist of 387.7 kg of organic waste, 228 kg of anorganic waste, and 184.6 kg of other waste.

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