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Chandra Asri and Bakti Barito Foundation Roll Out Plastic Asphalt with Garut Regency Government

The Garut Regency Government has signed a Cooperation Agreement with Chandra Asri and Bakti Barito Foundation (Bakti Barito) to support the implementation of 50 km plastic asphalt in Garut, spread on various roads within the regency. The implementation of the first phase of this project will cover 23 km of asphalt road and manage 28.8 million pieces of plastic shopping bag waste. The plastic waste used in this project will be provided by Chandra Asri in collaboration with the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI). This plastic asphalt cooperation in Garut will be implemented throughout 2022 up to 2023. It is estimated that up to 216.6 tons of waste from Garut's Final Disposal Site (TPA) will be managed from this project. The plastic asphalt program has previously been implemented in Jabodetabek, Cilegon, Tegal, and Kudus, as a result of collaboration between the local governments and the private sector.

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