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Chandra Asri Awarded D3 Scholarships and Work Contract for 9 Outstanding Students from Cilegon and Serang

Chandra Asri again awarded scholarships to outstanding students from several sub-districts in Cilegon City and Serang Regency. The awardee will receive a fully funded scholarship to pursue D3 Chemical Engineering for three years, get a monthly allowance, and work contract at the Company after graduating. The polytechnic schools that collaborated with Chandra Asri to accept selected prospective students in this scholarship program were State Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN) and State Polytechnic of Malang (POLINEMA). Nine prospective students who were awarded the scholarship came from Kepuh Village, Gunung Sugih Village, Grogol Indah Village, Kosambironyok Village, Anyar Village, and Mangunreja Village. This scholarship program is Chandra Asri's support to answer the needs of local workers, especially in the field of chemical engineering, which is needed for the industry sustainability in Cilegon City. Furthermore, this initiation is also part of the Company's efforts to increase the absorption of local workers to work at Chandra Asri. After the scholarship recipients graduate from college, they will later undergo working bound at Chandra Asri for six years.

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