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Chandra Asri Held Education on Biodiversity Conservation and Fire Extinguishing Demonstrations for Local Community

In an effort to increase public awareness regarding biodiversity conservation (Kehati), Chandra Asri held socialization regarding the use of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) and household waste management on Thursday, 31 March 2022. Located in one of the Company's fostered PAUD Cahaya Bintang in Grogol Indah Village, Anyar District, Serang, Banten, the socialization was attended by 25 residents who were the representatives of parents and PAUD teachers. During the socialization, the Company also distributed plant seeds and symbolic planting of seeds. In addition to biodiversity socialization, Chandra Asri also provided firefighting training. The demonstration was done by the Company's Emergency Response Team (ERT), followed by firefighting practices from the participants. Through these activities, residents are expected to gain an understanding of the first actions that must be taken when fire occurs in the area around residential areas.

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