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CAP Provided Humanitarian Aid to Lebak Earthquake Victims

On 24 January 2018, a day after the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that shook Lebak District, Banten, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk visited two of the most affected districts, Panggarangan and Malingping Subdistricts. Hundreds of homes in both locations suffered minor or severe damage caused by the earthquake. The company's CSR team came to give moral support and distributed donation of basic food and clothing to earthquake victims who have returned to their homes, and those who still survive in the camps. This assistance comes from the Company's year-end program, Year End Giving, which raised funds from all employees and involves CAP’s Mosque Welfare Council (DKM), CAP’s Alms Agency (BAZIS), and the Company’s Cooperatives.

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