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Bersama Pemangku Kepentingan, Chandra Asri Selenggarakan Indonesia Coastal Clean Up 2023 di Banten


Together with Stakeholders, Chandra Asri Organizes Indonesia Coastal Clean Up 2023 in Banten

Chandra Asri supports the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) initiative to hold Indonesia Coastal Clean Up at Berok Beach, Anyar, on Saturday, June 10 2023. Together with the Provincial Government of Banten, the Serang Regency Government, and the Bank Sampah Digital, the Coastal Clean Up agenda is carried out simultaneously following the main event held by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Balikpapan. This event is part of World Environment Day commemorations celebrated every June 5. The clean-up action, which carried out in Banten Province and attended by more than 250 participants, prevented 790.75 kg of waste from leaking into the sea. In addition to the beach clean-up action, Chandra Asri also participated in planting ketapang laut (Terminalia trees) on the coast to minimize carbon and anticipate climate change. Chandra Asri also handed over 10 trash cans to the Berok beach community to support a clean and beautiful environment.

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