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Distribution of 100 Tons of Liquid Oxygen to Support COVID-19 Patients in Jakarta

Continuing the support of 210 tons of liquid oxygen which was previously distributed to various hospitals in Jakarta and Banten, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk handed over 100 tons of liquid oxygen to the Provincial Government of Special Capital District of Jakarta. Through the Association of Regional Hospitals (ARSADA), this aid will begin to be distributed on 27 July 2021 in stages over the next two months to various Regional General Hospitals (RSUD) and Regional Special Hospitals (RSKD) in Jakarta. The handover ceremony was held virtually and witnessed directly by the Governor of Special Capital District of Jakarta Anies Baswedan. On this occasion, Anies Baswedan expressed his appreciation to Chandra Asri for its contribution in handling the pandemic situation.

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