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Build the 6th ECED to Support Education Quality Improvement

Chandra Asri is again working with the Happy Hearts Indonesia Foundation (HHI). This time, the Company is collaborating to build a building for Tunas Bangsa Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED), located on Jalan Sunan Bonang Link., Karang Jetak, Banjar Negara Village, Ciwandan District, Cilegon City. A symbolic inauguration to commemorate the operation of the new building was held on Thursday, March 2 2023, by Legal, External Affairs and Circular Economy Director Chandra Asri, Edi Rivai, Ciwandan Sub-District Head Mr Agus Ariyadi, and Mrs Vania Eriza as Head of PAUD and PNF City Education Office Cilegon. Previously, Chandra Asri had built two ECED in the Cilegon City area and three in the Serang Regency area. In this regard, Chandra Asri is always committed to continuing efforts to improve the quality of education by restoring and rebuilding school buildings that are not viable, especially those located in the Company's Ring 1 and Ring 2 areas. The construction of EDEC Tunas Bangsa also applies the circular economy concept, whereas 63m2 of the school yard area and play area use paving blocks made from a mixture of chopped single-use plastic waste.

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