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The Fifth Aksi Asri Operasi Semut Held in Kota Tua

Chandra Asri Group is again holding the Aksi Asri Operasi Semut in Kota Tua Jakarta, an iconic historical tourist destination in Jakarta. The Asri Semut Operation Vol.5 action was attended by 33 volunteers consisting of the general public and employees. In this fifth activity, 24 kilograms of waste were collected, consisting of 4 kilograms of organic waste, 12.5 kilograms of plastic waste, 3.5 kilograms of paper waste and 4 kilograms of other waste. The collected waste is then handed over to the waste management facility managed by the Kota Tua Area Management Unit (UPK) for further management.

It is hoped that the presence of the Asri Operation Semut Action will be able to help the community build new habits in waste management, starting from simple steps such as sorting waste according to type before throwing it away. This activity is also expected to increase public awareness regarding the positive impacts of waste sorting, such as plastic waste which can be further utilized if it is sorted properly.

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