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100 Karyawan Chandra Asri Tanami Taman Kehati Kampung 165 Banten


100 Chandra Asri Employees Planted Trees at Taman Kehati Kampung 165 Banten

To commemorate National Tree Planting Day, which falls every November 28, one hundred Chandra Asri volunteers planted trees in Kehati Village 165 Park, Kadubeureum Village, Padarincang, Banten. This planting procession is in collaboration with the Kehati Cikalumpang Foundation and was attended by representatives of the Serang Regency Environmental Service (DLH), representatives of the Serang Regency Environment and Sanitation Service (DLHK) Seed Center, and Chandra Asri's management. In commemoration of this National Tree Planting Day, Chandra Asri planted a total of 450 tree seedlings, 200 seeds were planted at Kehati Village 165 Park, and another 250 tree seeds were distributed to Taman Kehati Asri owned by Chandra Asri. On the same occasion, the Head of DLH Serang Regency presented an award to Chandra Asri for planting 2,000 tree seedlings and the company's commitment to protecting biodiversity in the Kehati Barokah Park, Kadubeureum Village, Serang Regency.

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