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Chandra Asri Petrochemical Distributes Humanitarian Aid for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross

On 8 January 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) distributes humanitarian aid to Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) for Kabupaten Pandeglang following the Sunda Strait tsunami in last year’s December. These aids are being handed-over directly to Acting Mayor of Cilegon, Drs. H. Edi Ariadi, M.Si in his office and witnessed by various stakeholders from Cilegon. Humanitarian aid for people impacted will divided through two phase, Initial phase and long-term phase. The initial phase or emergency phase are channeled through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross, by focusing to cater the pressing needs first. The long-term phase would be under the recovery process, where CAP will cooperate with Habitat for Humanity to build temporary shelter and sanitary facilities such are toilet and bathroom.

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